
the life through the loupe - part 2.

The third photo is a single petal of Carnation illuminated from the bottom and from the top. You can see here how red and purple dyes are spread.  I'd still see such tiny crystals live. It was impressive! And you? What do you think about such photos from under the microscope or from the microscope? Are they impressing you? Please write your answers in the comments !!! Now I'll leave the subject a little. No, it will not be private. There is still time for this 馃槈 I decided to create my own logo. I don't know if this is a good step at this stage of the blog development, but if not now, when? The photo used in the logo has been taken in the last summer and perfectly shows the sky. Best wishes for this cold winter evening!!! 馃槉 POL Dzisiaj porusz臋 troch臋 inny temat. Botanika. 艢wiat ro艣lin, 艣wiat nauki i mikroskopu. Zdj臋cia makroskopowe potrafi膮 wygl膮da膰 jak nie z tej ziemi. Uwierzcie mi, 偶e gdy patrzysz pod mikroskop, 偶yci

the life through the loupe - part 1.

Hey guys! Today I'll touch a different topic. Botany. The world of plants, the world of science and microscopy. Macroscopic photos can look like they're not from this earth.  Believe me, when you look at the microscope, life isn't as it was before. Strange views are daily bread for students. The first picture shows a popular florist flower like Eustoma. Inconspicuous flower, reminiscent of a little rose. The photo shows a post with pollen. The second picture is the interior of a rose.  In fact, the flower bed is cut with a scalpel in half. Hundreds are visible on it, not thousands of individual bars.  Awesome, don't you think? END OF PART 1

ironworks - huge history of ruins

ENG Hey! Today I would like to tell You about a piece of my city’s history. This photo below shows the undressed ironworks. Yes, my city was famous for steelworks and steel making. Today, as you can see, only debris, roof and protruding metal pipes have been left after this size. Ruin. Forgotten piece of great history. That’s another photo from walk around my city district. Dried grass, a few bricks lying in a corner, an abandoned shoe and a stray dog running around the pole. That's what I saw, going that way. Railroad tracks stolen by people, scrap and windows that were blinded. Yes, that's good story, right? What do You think about these photos?  Write in a comments! And have a good night!!! POL Tak – postanowi艂am, 偶e teksty post贸w b臋d臋 pisa膰 r贸wnie偶 po polsku. Kr贸tkie opowiadania kt贸re chc臋 tutaj umieszcza膰 trudno b臋dzie mi przet艂umaczy膰 na angielski tak, aby mia艂y one ten sam sens. Cze艣膰, dzisiaj postanowi艂am przedstawi膰

foggy museum art.

Month. One month has passed since last post. It was a difficult October but also month of incredible fog in my town. So this is one of few photos I took when I was walking around the Silesian Museum. Foggy morning, gentle sun and quite cool air was the reason to make a quick decision to go for a walk after my study. That was a good decision. So if You have read this post, leave me some comment, please. :)


This picture was taken in Bulgaria this summer. The last sunrise in such beautiful place. Yes, I know. I haven't been here for a long time. I had to think about the form of this blog. And ... it will change I think. I'll add here the same or a lot different photos here than on Instagram, but I'll try to add here more extensive descriptions of photos and maybe my short thoughts .. What do You think about it? Sand an answer on comment :) So if you are reading this post, I encourage You to subscribe my blog and ... Hello :) #newbeginnings #newform #newstart #onlyenglish

books lover.

the healthiest addiction in the world. #powie艣膰 #szeptucha #noc #bohaterowie #czytanieuzale偶niaaletonajzdrowszyna艂贸gna艣wiecie #bookslover #novel #thebestseries #readingisaddictive #love

night lights skyline.

night lights. #艣wiat艂o #艣wiat艂o艣wiecy #wspomnienia #lampa #domoweprace #cienie #light #candle #candlelight #memories #shadows #diyskyline #latern #diylatern #diyskylinelatern